Regionate tool supports KML Schema extended data.macOS: Cosmetic refinements to My Places and Layers panels.macOS: Fix illegible dialog tabs on macOS 11+.Windows: Automatically support high-DPI displays.Adjusted Google Earth logo size in the main view, saved images, and printouts.Combine multiple selected placemarks into a single Multi Geometry placemark.Break apart a Multi Geometry placemark into individual placemarks.Live recordings accurately show the timing of user actions during the recording session.In live recording mode, less obtrusive recording status dialog.Can defer video encoding until after live recording is finished.Better responsiveness during live recording.Full navigation controls, including Historical Imagery and Street View, are available in live recording mode.Hardware-accelerated video encoding for faster processing and better image quality.Google Earth Pro – for professional and industrial makes use, Google Earth Pro is the last word analysis, presentation, and collaboration tool for location information. KML – knowledge trade format lets your share helpful annotations.Spreadsheet import – ingest as many as 2,500 areas by address or lat/lon.Annotate the view with traces and polygons.Overlays – import site plans, design sketches, and even scanned blueprints.Layers present parks, schools, hospitals, airports, retail, and more.Easy to layer multiple searches, save results to folders, and share them with others. Results are present in your 3D earth view. Local search allows you to search for eating places, motels, and even driving instructions.Imagery and 3D knowledge depict the earth – Terabytes of aerial and satellite tv for pc imagery depict cities worldwide in high-resolution elements.

You can also email a JPEG of the map, or send a KMZ file if you know the recipient has Google Earth installed. Everything can be output in an XML format called KML, which will allow the vast popularity of Google Maps to continue on Earth. Searches and placemarks can be saved as bookmarks in “My Places”. You can leave notes, called “placemarks” all over the map, so you can remember where all sorts of places are. You can do Local searches in the program, with icons on the map and a display on the side showing your results.